Heya! I’m Tonja, a master intuitive, channel and expander. I help women all over the globe to unleash their limitless magical truth. 

People often say to me, “I didn’t know I could feel this incredible”

I am here to be part of this beautiful global awakening, this expansion and shift in consciousness. I support coaches, healers and visionaries in becoming FULLY ACTIVATED and AWAKE, by remembering their ancient wisdom, their soul missions and their unique gifts.

I lead amazing women like you into a new way of feeling and experiencing life. One in which your inner world shifts so dramatically that it is reflected in your outer world, upgrading every aspect of your life.  

I am here to be the gateway to your higher self, (and beyond). Together we will activate all levels of your higher self, so that you embody glorious expansion, activating your soul superpowers.Then bringing in all of this wisdom and abundance into your physical world…(because I always want this extraordinary work to also be useful and practical!)

My work often involves clearing ancestral energy, and limiting beliefs; dissolving heaviness and residual fear from many lifetimes. This leads to the opening of the doorways of abundance and magic within you.

My soul mission is to help women all over the world to feel free. All of my work reflects this mission. If you desire to go really deep and step into a new level of life changing freedom, then my Sacred Journeys is for you. 

People always tell me that I’m uplifting and make them feel amazing, that I make them feel like anything is possible (which is the just most beautiful thing to hear!).

I am thrilled by life and so happy to share my unique gifts with you. This work absolutely lights my life up; this is what I am here for.

Working with me is an invitation to tap into WHO you desire to be, and HOW you desire to feel.

It’s time to unlock and bask in the extraordinary magic within YOU!