190. Reinstating the old codes


You had better sit down for this one… it’s super charged!


Hello Sweet ones!

A cosy corner of time for us to be together. We so enjoy our time with you. Thank you for being here.

Once upon a time for a long long time, it was not enjoyable or even safe to have and behold gifts from beyond. Beyond time and space, beyond reason and logic. Beyond what can be ‘seen’ and understood. And so the sweet gifts of light were dimmed and cloaked in shame, fear and dread. Over time these beautiful important gifts were in the most part forgotten and buried deep, for they were too dangerous.

And so it became that the codes grew rusty and cold, neglected and afraid. But it was very neccessary.

Until now.

Now it is necessary, in fact an utter requirement that the old codes are reinstated. The memories dusted off, the magic rebirthed and the energy claimed.

This is not easy task. We are very aware. But it is an important one. A full one. A ready one. One that cannot be ignored. Or saved for another day.

Light is infinitely more powerful than dark. Light is a leader of change. Light is the energy of love.

Be unafraid sweet ones, know you are supported.

There is currently a gathering. Can you feel it?

A gathering of light.

It is becoming very powerful.

It is a movement that requires your attention, intention, your light, your courage.

Beyond that it simply requires you to be the love, lead with peace, share the light and hold the bliss.

We will be guiding you, leading you and showing you. Every small action of love will have a positive impact. Every single one.

Thank you.

We love you.

LoveloveloveWeR1 xxxxx


191. Glitz and Glamour


189. Heaven sent!