191. Glitz and Glamour


A beautiful message today, at the perfect time to remember it!!


Love Tonja xx

Our dear sweet ones,

today we wish to highlight a little distraction, something that can easily and swiftly take you away from everything that is important, and lead you down a tunnel of shiny illusions!!

Let us begin…

In your world (unless you live in a cave, which you do not!!) there is a steady stream of external stimulation, glitz and glamour that can swamp your sweet soul with doubt. Leading you to feeling that you are less than, not as good as, separate.


We love imagination and play. We do not love competition and superiority. Haha… that is not our love at all!!

We love truth, authenticity, love, togetherness, fulfilment. And we know you do too.

Which is why you are here. To read this, feel it and absorb it. Because it resonates with you.

You can be immersed, excited and delighted, without giving away your energy, getting absorbed by a need to have more, or to loose your own pathway.

It’s a strange expression of the sweet human, to feel drawn to seek the answers in others, rather than the self.

You know enough. Your expression of you is perfect just as it is. No-one can be you, know you and express you better than you.

So relax. Take a breath and appreciate you.

Be grateful for your beautiful physical self, your sweet soul.

You have come a long long way. No point being distracted now.

Instead take a moment to feel into being just more of you. Cultivate and curate your expression, with your unique energy.

Stay centred in your truth, and find your inner glitz!

That is the way to singing your soul to love.

We love you.



192. One thing leading to another!


190. Reinstating the old codes