193. Dare to Be!

Heya… a beautiful message today, that is seeped in loving support.

I hope you enjoy.

Love Tonja xx

Dear Sweet Ones

Thank you for taking the time to be with us today. It delights us to know that you enjoy our company so!!

Let us begin…

We see you all, trying hard to find you way. And there are SO many distractions for you. So many ways to loose yourself, to loose your precious time.

Let us reiterate our constant message, for today you may need this firm but loving nudge/shove!! You are here to love and experience being you. The wholeness of you.

Now, the easy route would be to distract yourself with the demands of others, and all of the extra ‘stuff’ outside of yourself. But where does that lead you? To a niggle of discontent, to a life half lived, to your needs and desires unmet. It is, we observe, quite easy to numb the mind and body, and lead a life of nothing in particular.

But of course you are here for so much more.

It is time to meet your own demands and desires fully, and BE.

It is time to make your deep deep desires your priority. Because if not now, then when?

Dare to be, dare to be. With this intention and commitment you will watch your life unfold and heal, lighten up and expand. We will support you.

Take a moment everyday to remember why you are here, to savour the moment, and to reconnect with your mission.

Please. Dare to Be.

Your beautiful planet needs your light; it needs your creativity, joy, love and unique divine self to be all of you.

Take small actions that bring you joy.

Enjoy this deeper unfurling.

We love you.

Lovelovelove WeR❤️1


194. Loving to learn learning to love


192. One thing leading to another!