194. Loving to learn learning to love


It’s 3.33am and I simply have to get up and write this message to you. The sooner I can get it out, the sooner I can get back to sleep!!


Love Tonja xx

Hello sweet ones

As always, we so adore our time with you. We wish to cocoon you in higher levels of love, joy and light, as you read, listen and absorb the messages here. They are always designed to bring you back to the highest levels of love, and to your highest self.

Today we wish to bring attention to the power of learning. By learning me mean an openness to experience more and understand more. It is the openness that will lead you to experience higher levels of happiness.

Let us begin.

Every day is a day of learning. Even if you are not seeking learning, it will seek you!! But the learnings will always be minimal if you are closed, with a fixed mind and limited experiences. In order to receive the fullness of being the happiest you, learning is vital.

Learning comes from opening up. Learn with all of your senses. Learning a new skill, habit, new knowledge. Absolutely. But the greatest learnings come from experience. They come from a willingness to appreciate life from new angles, fresh viewpoints. Every part of you gets a little sleepy, a little complacent when everything stays the same. A routine, a familiarity. It numbs your inner chorus of life. It quietens your inner self and slumps you into a daze. Leading to living on autopilot. This does not generate happiness and joy. Not one iota!


Now is a time to wake up and shake up. Shake yourself awake by being curious, playful and delighted. Bring colour and laughter back into the forefront. Switch up the routines. Take a new route home. Eat new foods, experience things as though for the very first time.Can you feel the energy in this? The excitement? YES! This is living! You can be the joy, spread the love, feel the vitality. Your senses are awake, full and committed to drinking in every glorious moment of life. Opening up to loving. It all goes hand in hand.

Want more love? Love your life more!

Learning also leads to less judgement, (which as we often express, is a very unhappy energy, and not to be encouraged!)

Ah… Do you feel more alive? Did we impart a feeling of thirst for life, love and joy? We do so hope we have. That has been our intention today. And to share that energy and desire so deeply within you that every part of you feels ready to jump into life with both feet!! To experience the unknown, to relish the new, to enjoy the fresh!

And we will be laughing and learning and loving along side you. Every step of the way. Every day.

We love you!



195. unusual sightings


193. Dare to Be!